
Council meets the second and fourth Mondays of every month unless it falls on a holiday, the meeting will then be scheduled for the Tuesday following at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

The Policies and Priorities meetings are held the third Monday of the month unless it falls on a holiday, the meeting will then be scheduled for the Tuesday following at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

If you would like to be put on the agenda please contact Chris or Candi at the Town Office at 786-2416.


Mayor Janet Jabush


I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve as Mayerthorpe’s Mayor for another four years. It’s been challenging, rewarding and very enjoyable.

I remain committed to advancing the interests of our community. Sustainable economic development and advocacy with regional and provincial stakeholders are always front of mind. Our administration and new Council are focused on essential local and regional initiatives that support economic development.

When I’m not busy doing “Mayor Stuff”, you’ll find me with my family or, in the summer, riding my motorcycle. I also enjoy reading (something other than agenda packages), listening to music, Avengers movies (my not-so-guilty pleasure) and star-gazing.

In the fall of 2020, I successfully ran for the Towns West Director’s position with AUMA. Those duties add to an already busy schedule. I also Chair the Board of our local REDA, GROWTH Alberta, as well as our town’s Health Retention Committee. My other committee appointments include the Northern Alberta Mayors & Reeves Caucus, the Subdivision Development Appeal Board, and the IDP & ICF Committees.

I’m still humbled to be our town’s Mayor. It’s a responsibility I don’t take lightly, and I’ll always do my very best to represent the best of our town and to deserve your trust.

My family is the reason I do what I do, and I owe them my thanks.


Councillor Rebecca Wells


I grew up North of Stony Plain on an acreage, moved to Slave Lake, Whitecourt and seven years ago my husband Rick and I bought our home in Mayerthorpe. I love living in Mayerthorpe as it still has a small town feel to it. I am a mother of five and two are my husband’s from a previous marriage but as I like to call them, children from another mother. No grandchildren yet for us, however we have two bulldogs and one cat. I love camping and we have a seasonal lake lot at Slave Lake. I love fishing yet I won’t touch them, Rick is my fish hero for taking them off my fishing Rod all the time. I enjoy curling and have learned so much about farming/ranching from being a part of Mayerthorpe’s curling community.

My background is in Social Work, I have been the Executive Director at Wellspring Family Resource & Crisis Centre for the last 8 and half years. I have been on many committees and Boards throughout this time. I appreciate the time and dedication that our Mayerthorpe volunteers do for this community.

I look forward to serving and assisting the Town continue to grow and develop. There are so many great opportunities that Mayerthorpe has to offer, my hope is that others will see it too through development and enhancing the services we have.

Councillor Anna Greenwood


I am excited to be returning to council for another term. I believe Mayerthorpe is a great town and I look forward to collaborating with the rest of council, as we work towards making it become even better.

I was born and raised on a multi-generational family farm north of Sangudo. I am proud to be the third generation of my family involved in politics at various levels.

 I moved to Mayerthorpe in 1983 and began my teaching career. I remained at Elmer Elson Elementary for over 35 years, until my retirement in 2018. During that time, I taught multiple grades and served as assistant principal and principal.

Over the years I have been involved in our community in many ways, particularly with various sports groups. I have also been involved with community groups such as: Citizen’s Advisory Committee, Community Services Board and Youth Justice Committee.

Mayerthorpe is my home and I want to make it the best place to live, not only for myself but for everyone in the community. I want our town to be sustainable and grow by becoming the community of choice for new families and businesses.

Councillor Pat Burns


I have lived in and around Mayerthorpe for over 50 years. I have owned 6 lots in town. I have built 3 homes for myself and family in town.  My mother and father built the Lariat Restaurant, they ran the Lariat Restaurant , Shamrock Flower Shop, and the Mayerthorpe Upholstery Shop.

I have had a business in town for almost 40 years, PTB Contracting (Carpentry). I have a Journeyman Carpentry Ticket RSE.

I have 1 Wife, 3 Children, 4 Grandchildren, 3 Dog Children, 3 Cat Children, 1 Son-In-Law, and 2 Daughter-In-Laws.

I enjoy volunteering, hunting, fishing, gardening, and vintage cars & trucks.

Councillor Sandy Morton


I am so excited to be starting my 8th year on council!!

During this term I hope to continue improving communication to our residents, encouraging youth and doing the research necessary to make informed decisions for our municipality.

I have learned so much during my learning curve and feel ready to take on new challenges. I have completed several AUMA courses, law seminars, PD at conferences, U of A Indigenous course, participated in the Blanket Ceremony and been a member of several boards and committees. I am amazed at the work being done by so many to make our community and neighborhood the best it can be.

I am a wife and mother who has been happily married for 46 years to my husband, Rob and we have one son, Drew. I am a retired teacher who was lucky enough to have a job for 39 years that I absolutely loved. I am a graduate of the University of Western Ontario (B.A, B.Ed.) I taught in Ontario, Africa (Lesotho) and Jasper. Twenty-eight of my teaching years were in Sangudo (David Ovans Elementary School and Sangudo Community School)

There will always be threats to the community that have to be overcome but the opportunities we have to build, expand and work together on new projects are exciting.

I am very interested in traveling, reading, music, writing, live theatre, cooking, and spending time with my family.

I know we will be faced with new challenges but with the rest of the council team I feel we are ready to face whatever may come.

Councillor Esther Sonnenberg


I have a BSC in Biology and Physiotherapy and a Certificate in Massage Therapy.  I have been working in Mayerthorpe for over twenty years and half those years in my current location on main street at Esther's Healing Center.  I am completing my first book called, "The Esther Challenge: Soak Yourself Healed and live AWED (Aging With Excellence and Dignity)." 
I strive to help all those who come to me for therapy to give them not only healing of the current injury but also understanding of how the body compensates for the injury.  We all compensate for wounds in ways that show up in new patterns of  movement, breath, and thought.  I think of this as a roadmap that needs to be followed and worked on to truly heal.  This is especially true when the wounds have been to the spirit.
I see that we as a community have wounds and hurts that still color new decisions and fuel the knee jerk reaction to protect from the next wound or the poking of the bruise.  I will strive to be an example of how our community can let go of previous animosity live AWED.

Councillor Kyler Mason


I grew up, attended school, and have worked in and for this town. 

I joined Council so that I can do my part to ensure that this town will be Everybody's Community for years to come.